Membership Incentives
Members who meet or exceed the minimum requirements for volunteering may be eligible for department funded or supported items.
Minimum Monthly Hour Requirements:
• If you live in-district: 24hrs standby at the station(s) & 24hrs available from home
• If you live outside of the district: 48hrs standby at the station(s)
Minimum Training Requirements:
• Complete mandatory hands-on-trainings & online trainings as assigned.

Community Risk Reduction Coordinator
The Pleasant View Volunteer Fire Department (PVVFD) is looking for a passionate and motivated individual to join our team as a Community Risk Reduction Coordinator!

Volunteer Firefighter
Volunteer Firefighter (No Pre-Requisites) Volunteer Firefighters are just what it says. They volunteer their time to help the community. We will provide the gear, the training, and several other perks that come with it. This is an entry level position and you do not need any firefighting experience or special skill. We consider people from all walks of life, from the grocery clerk to the CEO of a major corporation and everything in between.
Volunteer Medical Responder
The Volunteer Medical Responder is an individual that has a valid TN medical license of at least an Emergency Medical Responder. Medical Responders are the first ones out the door for medical calls. The Medical Responder does not enter any IDLH environment but does assist in a support capacity on fire calls. Medical Responders can assist at motor vehicle accidents and usually are tasked with patient care. This is a high call volume position and is a perfect opportunity for any new EMR, EMT, or Paramedic to gain “real word experience”.

Support Member
The Support Member is probably one of the most versatile positions at the Pleasant View Volunteer Fire Department. Support members assist with anything that the department has going on like community events, public education, fire department banquets and ceremonies, and many more. Some Support Members go through a Pumper/Driver class to help the department by driving the fire apparatus to the scene and manning the pump panel when there are only limited firefighters available. This frees up a firefighter that can perform other needed tasks on the fire ground. Support Members can be involved in all non-IDLH (immediately Dangerous to Life and Health) situations that they are willing to participate in and receive training for.

Part-Time Firefighter
Part-Time Firefighter (FF1 or FF2 and a TN Medical License of at least Emergency Medical Responder Required) Part-Time Firefighters are there to subsidize the volunteers. A Part-Time Firefighter is anyone with a FF1 or FF2 certification and holds a Tennessee Medical license of at least an Emergency Medical Responder. Part-Time positions are capped at 36 hours a week without any additional in-service training (online department training and on shift training still apply). You give us the days you are available, and we add you to the shifts where we need you on the days you told us. We provide the gear, and the equipment and you bring your experience. Shifts are scheduled two weeks in advance at 12 hours a shift (6AM to 6PM). We can work with most shift change schedules if we are notified of it in advance and they are within reason.